Case Report(症例報告)
(0047 - 0050)
Two Cases of Primary Intrascrotal Sclerosing Lipogranuloma
Kimio SUGAYA1, Osamu NISHIZAWA1, Tomoya SATOH1, Naotake SHIMODA1, Yoshihide OGAWA2
1Department of Urology, Akita University School of Medicine, 2Department of Urology, University of the Ryukyus Faculty of Medicine
キーワード : Sclerosing lipogranuloma , Scrotum, Ultrasonography
We examined two cases of primary intrascrotal sclerosing lipogranuloma, which is usually a self-limiting disease that resolves spontaneously within a few months. Biopsy or resection has been reported to be necessary in establishing the diagnosis in almost all of the cases published. We also performed an open biopsy to make a diagnosis in case 1; in case 2, the diagnosis was based on results of physical and ultrasonographic examinations alone. Ultrasonographic findings of the disease consisted of a homogenous low-echo mass isoechoic to the corpus spongiosum penis, with no capsular echo, high echo in the basal area, or invasion into the penile root. The mass in case 2 responded to an anti-inflammatory agent within 8 weeks and did not require invasive procedures. Ultrasonography and careful observation of such lesions, without invasive intervention, appear to be helpful for establishing the diagnosis.