基礎 治療1
The new method to judge the effect of radio frequency ablation
荒井 修1, 玉野 聡1, 三竹 毅1, 春日井 博志2, 井上 敦雄2, 今中 和穂2
Osamu ARAI1, Satoshi TAMANO1, Tsuyoshi MITAKE1, Hiroshi KASUGAI2, Atsuo INOUE2, Kazuho IMANAKA2
1株式会社日立メディコ技術研究所, 2大阪府立成人病センター消化器内科
1Research & Development Center, Hitachi Medical Corporation, 2Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
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