基礎 治療3
Apoptosis induced by the sonomechanical effects of low intensity pulsed ultrasound in a human leukemia cell line
近藤 隆1, ロリト フェリル1, 趙 慶利1, 崔 正国1, 小川 良平1, 安藤 豪隆2, 三崎 拓郎2, 田渕 圭章3
Takashi KONDO1, Feril, Jr LORETO B.1, Qing-Li ZHAO1, Zheng-Guo CUI1, Ryohei OGAWA1, Hidetaka ANDO2, Takuro MISAKI2, Yoshiaki TABUCHI3
1富山医科薬科大学・医学部・放射線基礎医学講座, 2富山医科薬科大学・医学部・第一外科学教室, 3富山医科薬科大学生命科学実験センター
1Department of Radiological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2First Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 3Molecular Genetics Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
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