Case Report(症例報告)
(0693 - 0698)
Fetal liver calcification の 1 症例
Fetal Liver Calcification: A Case Report
妹尾 大作1, 秦 利之1, 青木 昭和1, 秦 幸吉1, 木村 正彦2, 山口 清次2
Daisaku SENOH1, Toshiyuki HATA1, Showa AOKI1, Kohkichi HATA1, Masahiko KIMURA2, Seiji YAMAGUCHI2
1島根医科大学産科婦人科, 2島根医科大学小児科
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shimane Medical University, 2Department of Pediatrics, Shimane Medical University
キーワード : Antenatal diagnosis, Liver calcification, Ultrasound
A pregnant 26-year-old woman (gravida Ⅳ, para Ⅲ) came to the ultrasonography clinic for routine screening at 21 weeks of gestation. Fetal solitary liver calcification measuring 6×5×4 mm was identified at the left side of the umbilical vein in the left hepatic lobe. Fetal growth was normal, and there were no other anomalies. The hyperechoic nodule grew gradually until the 28th week, when it measured 8×7×5 mm, but no changes were found thereafter. At 39 weeks and 3 days, the patient was vaginally delivered of a viable male infant weighing 3004 g. Ultrasonography showed granular hyperechoic lesions in the S2 area of the left hepatic lobe, and psychomotor developmental delay was found when the infant was 3 months old. Intracranial calcification was not detected, however. The connection between fetal liver calcification and postnatal psychomotor developmental delay remains obscure.