消化器 肝細胞癌診断
造影エコー法のpostvascular phase imagingとSPIOMRIの比較検討
Differential Diagnosis of Nodular Lesions in chirrhosis Liver by post-vascular image of contrast-enhanced US with Levovist. Comparison with SPIO-MRI
井上 達夫1, 坂口 康浩1, 萩原 智1, 南 康範1, 鄭 浩柄1, 上島 一臣1, 福永 豊和1, 前川 清2, 綿井 良輔3, 粟井 和夫4
Tatsuo INOUE1, Yasuhiro SAKAGUTI1, Satoru HAGIWARA1, Yasunori MINAMI1, Hiroshi TEI1, Kazuomi UESHIMA1, Toyokazu FUKUNAGA1, Kiyossi MAEKAWA2, Ryousuke WATAI3, Kazuo AWAI4
1近畿大学医学部 消化器内科, 2近畿大学医学部 腹部超音波室, 3近畿大学医学部 放射線科, 4熊本大学大学院医学薬学研究部画像診断解析学講座
1Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kinki University school of Medicine, 2Abdominal Ultrasound Unit, Kinki University school of Medicine, 3Department of Radiology, Kinki University school of Medicine, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
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