Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1997 - Vol.24

Vol.24 No.04

Education Note(教育)

(0703 - 0709)


Organization and Education Program of Ultrasonographic Study in a Teaching General Hospital

松末 智1, 西村 理1, 松本 慶三2, 岡山 幸成3, 関口 きよみ3


1天理よろづ相談所病院腹部一般外科, 2天理よろづ相談所病院泌尿器科, 3天理よろづ相談所病院臨床病理部

1Department of Abdominal Surgery, Tenri Hospital, 2Department of Urology, Tenri Hospital, 3Department of Clinicopathology, Tenri Hospital

キーワード : Educational program, Organization of ultrasonography, Ultrasonography

Centralized organization of the ultrasonographic (US) staff may be necessary in order to maintain quantity and quality of examinations and to avoid duplication of examinations in general hospitals. There has been little discussion of the education of workers in organized US sections. At this institution, however, US has been organized since 1966 through the introduction of a unique educational program for residents and technologists. Ultrasonography is routinely taught to all new residents. There is a special curriculum for technologists who intend to attain an expert level of ability in ultrasonography: They are required to master basic knowledge of US and practice using its techniques; in addition, they are given training in the drawing of still lifes (design). Here, we explain the system developed to conduct a daily check of the ultrasonographic data obtained, the weekley case conferences that are conducted, and the weekly lecture that is conducted to help assure a consistent high level of quality control. We also investigate the effectiveness of this educational program and follow the course of one technologist (YO) from the time he enters the program until the time that he becomes qualified as an expert sonographer. In 1995 the number of examinations conducted at this institution surged to more than 20000 with no drop in accuracy. The Japan society of Ultrasonics in Medicine has registered 9 sonographers in 13 subspecialities since 1986. We conclude that the ability of the staff is the most important factor in sustaining and advancing the organized US section. Expert ultrasonographers must have both knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology and the ability to produce images, for which design may become an eflfecive part of the training. We think that the time has come for other institutions to organize their US sections and an provide effective educational programs in ultrasonography for their staff members.