消化器 膵
A study of the correlation between intratumoral vessel count with Contrast-Enhanced U.S in pancreatic cancer
菅 偉哉1, 小野 尚文2, 伊集院 裕康3, 岡部 義信1, 木下 壽文4, 内藤 嘉樹5, 黒木 美奈5, 神代 正道5, 豊永 純6, 佐田 通夫1
Hideya SUGA1, Naofumi ONO2, Hiroyasu IJYUUIN3, Yoshinobu OKABE1, Hisafumi KINOSITA4, Yoshiki NAITOU5, Mina KUROGI5, Masamichi KOUJIRO5, Atsusi TOYONAGA6, Michio SATA1
1久留米大学 医学部 第二内科, 2江口病院, 3天陽会中央病院, 4久留米大学 医学部 外科, 5久留米大学 医学部 病理, 6久留米大学 医学部 消化器病センター
1Second Department of Internal Medicine Kurume University School of Medicine, 2Eguchi Hospital, 3Tenyoukai Tyuou Hospital, 4Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine, 5Department of Pathology, Kurume University School of Medicine, 6Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Kurume University School of Medicine
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