Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1997 - Vol.24

Vol.24 No.05

Original Article(原著)

(0779 - 0785)


Clinical Significance of Assessment of Left Ventricular Early Diastolic Filling During the Dobutamine Stress Test in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease: Comparative Study of Pulsed and Color M-Mode Doppler Methods

八木田 あけみ1, 中 真砂士1, 山本 一博2, 土井 泰治2, 今井 克次1, 塩谷 一成1, 赤松 義樹1, 菱田 英二1, 増山 理2, 木下 直和1

Akemi YAGITA1, Masashi NAKA1, Kazuhiro YAMAMOTO2, Yasuji DOI2, Katsuji IMAI1, Issei SHIOTANI1, Yoshiki AKAMATSU1, Eiji HISHIDA1, Tohru MASUYAMA2, Naokazu KINOSHITA1

1国立大阪南病院循環器科, 2大阪大学第1内科

1Cardiovascular Division, Osaka Minami National Hospital, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka University School of Medicine

キーワード : Dobutamine, Ischemia, Diastole, pulsed Doppler echocardiography

To investigate the clinical significance of left ventricular early diastolic filling during the dobutamine stress test(up to 40 μg/kg/min)to detect myocardial ischemia, we detemined peak early diastolic filling velocity from the pulsed wave Doppler transmitral flow velocity curve (E)and flow propagation velocity (FPV) of early diastolic filling from color M-mode Doppler echocardiography, both at baseline and at peak dose infusion of dobutamine in 9 control patients with chest pain syndrome and normal coronary arteries and 23 patients with ischemic heart disease(IHD). The E and FPV ratios were defined as ratio of value at peak dose of dobutamine to that at baseline. Wall motion score index (WMSI) was calculated using a score model with 16 segments and four grades in which scores ranged from 1(normal) to 4(dyskinesis). Wall motion abnormalities worsened or new ones developed during dobutamine infusion in all patients with IHD, and patients with IHD were classified into one of two groups: group A contained 11 patients with little abnormality of wall motion (WMSK