Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1997 - Vol.24

Vol.24 No.05

Technical Note(技術報告)

(0803 - 0806)


Ultrasonographic Trial for Oral Cancer Using Intraoperative Micro-Convex Transducer

斉藤 泰博1, 山田 有則1, 片田 竜司1, 峯田 昌之1, 油野 民雄1, 西村 泰一2, 湯川 浩文3

Yasuhiro SAITOH1, Tomonori YAMADA1, Ryuji KATADA1, Masayuki MINETA1, Tamio ABURANO1, Taiichi NISHIMURA2, Hirofumi YUKAWA3

1旭川医科大学放射線科, 2旭川医科大学口腔外科, 3アロカ株式会社

1Department of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical University and Hospital, 2Department of Oral surgery, Asahikawa Medical University and Hospital, 3Aloka Company

キーワード : Color Doppler , Micro-convex transducer, Oral cancer , Tongue , Ultrasonography

Nine patients with oral cancer underwent ultrasound (US) examination that employed a 7.5 MHz micro-convex transducer designed for intraoperative scanning of the liver, and tumors were clearly demonstrated in all of cases. Information on site and extent of tumors provided by ultrasonography was more accurate than that obtained by clinical assessment using mirrors and palpation. Further, FFT analysis of the abundant color Doppler signals obtained from the tumors showed pulsatile-wave blood flow. The images also showed the relation between the tumor and the branches of the lingual artery. This method was useful in the evaluation of oral cancers.