Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1997 - Vol.24

Vol.24 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(0873 - 0877)


Usefulness of Color Doppler Sonography in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules: Comparison of Velocity Mode With Power Mode

浜崎 直樹1, 鴻池 義純1, 須崎 康恵1, 江川 信一1, 竹下 修治1, 仲川 房幸2, 衛藤 幸男3, 今井 幸子4, 大石 元5, 成田 亘啓6

Naoki HAMAZAKI1, Yoshizumi KOUNIKE1, Yasue SUZAKI1, Shinichi EGAWA1, Shuuji TAKESHITA1, Fusayuki NAKAGAWA2, Yukio ETO3, Yukiko IMAI4, Hajime OHISHI5, Nobuhiro NARITA6

1済生会奈良病院内科, 2済生会奈良病院放射線科, 3済生会奈良病院耳鼻咽喉科, 4奈良県立三室病院放射線科, 5奈良県立医科大学腫瘍放射線科, 6奈良県立医科大学第2内科

1Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 2Department of Radiology, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 3Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 4Department of Radiology, Nara Prefectural Mimuro Hospital, 5Department of Oncoradiology, Nara Medical University, 6Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nara Medical University

キーワード : Color flow imaging, Power mode, Thyroid nodule, Ultrasonography, Velocity mode

We investigated the usefulness of color flow imaging (CFI) in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules by comparing results obtained with velocity mode and power mode imaging. Thirty-three thyroid nodules (7 papillary carcinomas, 3 follicular carcinomas, 16 follicular adenomas, and 7 adenomatous goiters) were examined. We classified color flow pattern of thyroid nodules depicted by CFI into six groups: type Ⅰ, perinodular color flow alone; type Ⅱ, intranodular spotty color flow; type Ⅲ, intranodular short linear color flow; type Ⅳ, intranodular moderate color flow; type Ⅳ-A, branchy color flow; type Ⅳ-B, tortuous color flow; and type Ⅴ, intranodular marked color flow. Color flow patterns observed in powermode, studies of the benign and malignant groups differed significantly. No statistically significant differences were found when velocity mode was used, however. This study suggests that power mode CFI is useful in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules. CFI appears liltely to become more precise and more useful as the technology develops and the body of data obtained with it grows.