Original Article(原著)
(0945 - 0952)
Clinical Application of Three-dimensional Color Doppler Ultrasonography for Blood Flow of Abdominal Organs and Intratumoral Vasculatures
平井 都始子1, 大石 元1, 山田 麗子1, 堀川 典子1, 高橋 弥穂1, 徳野 恵津子1, 打田 日出夫1, 地挽 隆夫2, 橋本 浩2, 竹内 康人2
Toshiko HIRAI1, Hajime OHISHI1, Reiko YAMADA1, Noriko HORIKAWA1, Miho TAKAHASHI1, Estuko TOKUNO1, Hideo UCHIDA1, Takao JIBIKI2, Hiroshi HASHIMOTO2, Yasuhito TAKEUCHI2
1奈良県立医科大学 腰痛放射線科・放射線科, 2GE横河メディカルシステム株式会社
1Department of Oncoradiology, Nara Medical University, 2Ultrasound Laboratory, GE-Yokogawa Medical Systems, Ltd.
キーワード : Kidney, Liver, Liver tumor, Three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasonography , Vascular disease
Three-dimensional (3-D) color Doppler ultrasonography reconstructed using the maximum intensity projection method was used to evaluate blood flow in 10 normal livers, 13 normal kidneys (including 3 transplanted kidneys), 9 vascular lesions, and 7 tumor lesions. Color Doppler images obtained using the velocity and power modes were manually scanned using a GE-Yokogawa Model LOGIQ 500 scanner. Image acquisition time was 5 to 10 seconds. Three-dimensional images of vasculature in the target area were reconstracted in all cases about 5 seconds after scanning. Satisfactory 3-D images of the portal branches and hepatic veins were obtained in the normal livers and the cortical vessels of the normal kidneys. Blood flow in the normal livers and kidneys could thus be evaluated stereoscopically. We were able to evaluate abnormal hemodynamics in cases of vascular disorders stereoscopically and more objectively with 3-D image than with two-dimensional (2-D) image, and velocity mode 3-D imaging proved more useful than power mode 3-D imaging for evaluating spatial relationships between abnormal vascular structures and direction of blood flow within them. Relation between intratumoral blood flow and native vascular structure could be depicted three-dimensionally in the tumor lesions, making stereoscopic evaluation Possible. Power mode was superior to velocity mode in the 3-D imaging of intratumoral blood flow. Three-dimensional color Doppler ultrasonography thus appears to allow a more objective and convincing diagnosis of ultrasonographic images and can be expected to undergo further development.