Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1997 - Vol.24

Vol.24 No.10

Original Article(原著)

(1623 - 1632)

上腹部スクリーニングにおける肝Accessory Fissureの描出 -描出頻度と局在部位分類の試み-

Observation of Accessory Fissures of the Liver in Routine Ultrasonography: Detection Rate and Classification of Fissures

中村 滋1, 長尾 顕一2, 尾崎 美紀1, 岩崎 光博1, 楠木 実千代1, 西村 浩3, 綛野 進4, 森本 義彦4, 朝井 均5

Shigeru NAKAMURA1, Kenichi NAGAO2, Miki OZAKI1, Mitsuhiro IWASAKI1, Michiyo KUSUNOKI1, Hiroshi NISHIMURA3, Susumu KASENO4, Yodhihiko MORIMOTO4, Hitoshi ASAI 5

1(医)寺西報恩会長吉総合病院臨床検査科, 2住友生命総合健診システム新大阪検査部, 3(医)寺西報恩会長吉総合病院内科, 4(医)寺西報恩会長吉総合病院外科, 5大阪教育大学保健管理センター

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Nagayoshi General Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Sumitomo Life Multiphasic Health Test System, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Nagayoshi General Hospital, 4Department of Surgery, Nagayoshi General Hospital, 5Health Administration Center, Osaka University of Education

キーワード : Accessory fissure, Anatomy, Liver, Ultrasound

We encountered 95 cases of accessory fissures of the liver (107 accessory fissures) with a detection rate of 6.43% in 1478 subjects (801 males and 677 females) in routine ultrasonograpic studies from 21 August to 20 October 1996. These fissures were classified into four types with respect to their location in the liver to evaluate their etiologic significance. All four types had a similar tendency to be detected more frequently in older subjects: The detection rate was 14.4% in subjects older than 70 years of age. Some of the differences in location of accessory fissures in the liver were were related to sex and physical consitution. These various accessory fissures of the liver can be detected with careful ultrasonographic examination.