Original Article(原著)
(1651 - 1661)
脂肪肝に伴う胆嚢床のSpared Areaと肝内胆嚢流出血流との関連: カラードプラ法による検討
Association Between Focal Spared Area at the Gallbladder Bed in the Fatty Liver and Intrahepatic Efferent Blood Flow From the Gallbladder Wall: Evaluation With Color Doppler Imaging
栃尾 人司1, 岡部 純弘2, 冨田 周介2, 工藤 正俊3, 樫田 博史2, 岩崎 信広1, 簑輪 和士1, 田村 周二1, 曽我 登志子1, 森本 義人1, 渡辺 智裕2, 福永 豊和2, 平佐 昌弘2, 伊吹 康良2, 織野 彬雄2, 藤堂 彰男2
Hitoshi TOCHIO1, Yukihiro OKABE2, Syusuke TOMITA2, Masatoshi KUDO3, Hiroshi KASHIDA2, Nobuhiro IWASAKI1, Kazushi MINOWA1, Syuji TAMURA1, Toshiko SOGA1, Yoshito MORIMOTO1, Tomohiro WATANABE2, Toyokazu FUKUNAGA2, Masahiro HIRASA2, Yasuyoshi IBUKI2, Akio ORINO2, Akio TODO2
1神戸市立中央市民病院臨床病理科腹部超音波検査室, 2神戸市立中央市民病院消化器センター内科, 3近畿大学付属病院第2内科
1Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Kobe City General Hospital, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Kobe City General Hospital, 3Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kinki Medical University
キーワード : Fatty liver, Focal spared area, Gallbladder vein, Color Dopplar Imaging
Association between focal spared area at the gallbladder bed in the fatty liver and intrahepatic efferent blood flow from the gallbladder wall was studied by color Doppler imaging in 72 patients with fatty liver, which was demonstrated as bright liver in the ultrasonograms (US). Efferent blood flow signals from the gallbladder wall were detected in 21 (60%) of 35 patients with focal spared area at the gallbladder bed, whereas it was detected in 3 (8%) of 37 patients in whom there was no focal spared area at the gallbladder bed. The difference was statistically significant (p