Case Report(症例報告)
(1671 - 1675)
A Case of Isolated Dissecting Aneurysm of The Superior Mesenteric Artery Observed by Ultrasonography
潟山 浩昭1, 松元 淳1, 伊瀬知 毅1, 有馬 暉勝1, 納 利一2
Hiroaki GATAYAMA1, Jun MATSUMOTO1, Tuyoshi ISECHI1, Terukatsu ARIMA1, Toshikazu OSAME2
1鹿児島大学第2内科, 2ヲサメ内科クリニック
1Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine, 2Osame Internal Medical Clinic
キーワード : Dissecting aneurysm, Superior mesenteric artery, Ultrasonography
The patient was a 59-year-old man with upper abdominal pain of sudden onset. Abdominal ultrasonography showed dilatation of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA)and a membranous hyperechoic lesion in its lumen. The true lumen of the SMA was stenotic. Color Doppler ultrasonography showed no flow signal in the false lumen. FFT analysis suggested patency of the SMA , and contrast-enhanced CT scan revealed a mural hematoma and intimal flap in it. A diagnosis of isolated dissecting aneurysm of the SMA was made, and the patient was treated conservatively and has since been followed up. Ultrasonographic examination conducted 4 months later showed the mural hematoma in the false lumen to have almost disappeared, and ultrasonographic examination of the SMA performed 14 months later showed no abnormal findings. Ultrasonography was useful for early diagnosis and folow up in this case of dissecting aneurysm.