Case Report(症例報告)
(1845 - 1849)
Shoshin Beriberi: A Serial Echocardiographic Assessment of its Systolic and Diastolic Function
大倉 宏之1, 吉田 清1, 赤阪 隆史1, 穂積 健之1, 高木 力1, 盛岡 茂文1, 吉川 純一2
Hiroyuki OKURA1, Kiyoshi YOSHIDA1, Takashi AKASAKA1, Takeshi HOZUMI1, Tsutomu TAKAGI1, Shigefumi MORIOKA1, Junichi YOSHIKAWA2
1神戸市立中央市民病院循環器センター内科, 2大阪市立大学第一内科
1Division of Cardiology, Kobe General Hospital, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka City University Medical School
キーワード : Beriberi, Diastolic function, Doppler echocardiography, High-output heart failure
A 54-year-old man was hospitalized with respiratory failure. Arterial blood gases showed severe metabolic acidosis at the time of admission, and chest X-ray films disclosed cardiac enlargement and increased pulmonary markings. Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiogram showed hyperkinetic heart motion and pulmonary hypertension; left ventricular diastolic function assessed by left ventricular inflow pattern was normal; and right-heart catheterization revealed high-output status and pulmonary hypertension. A diagnosis of shoshin beriberi was made. Pulmonary congestion disappeared after administration of thiamine, and output status returned to normal. Left ventricular inflow pattern showed an abnormal relaxation pattern when systemic vascular resistance and blood pressure were elevated. Left ventricular inflow pattern returned to normal as blood pressure normalized after vasodilator administration. Thus, two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography may prove useful in serial assessment of systolic and diastolic function in patients with shoshin beriberi.