Original Article(原著)
(0003 - 0009)
Psychological Impact of Fetal Three-Dimensional Imaging on Feto-maternal Relationship
真鍋 敦1, 秦 利之1, 岡田 早苗2, 青木 昭和1, 秦 幸吉1, 宮崎 康二1
Atsushi MANABE1, Toshiyuki HATA1, Sanae OKADA2, Showa AOKI1, Koukichi HATA1, Kouji MIYAZAKI1
1島根医科大学医学部産科婦人科学教室, 2島根医科大学医学部附属病院産科婦人科外来
1Department of Obstretics and Gynecology Shimane Medical University, 2Outpatient Department of Obstretics and Gynecology Shimane Medical University Hospital
キーワード : Feto-maternal relationship, Normal fetus, Questionnaire, Three-dimensional ultrasonography
Because it provides the most realistic images of the fetus in utero, we used three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound to determine whether or not 3-D imaging of the fetus could improve the feto-maternal relationship. We visualized 71 normal fetuses, from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy, using 3-D ultrasonography with a specially developed 3.5 MHz 3-D abdominal transducer. A questionnaire was given to the 71 pregnant women so studied, and 54 (76%) of them responded. Good images were obtained from 35 (65%) of the respondents and were most readily obtainable from those 20 to 29 years of age (77%) and those who had not reached their twentieth week of gestation (82%). None complained of pain during 3-D ultrasound examination. Fifty (93%) respondents indicated that they would want to be examined by 3-D ultrasonography when they carry their next child. This study suggests that fetal 3-D ultrasonography has a positive effect on the feto-matermal relationship.