Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1998 - Vol.25

Vol.25 No.01

Original Article(原著)

(0011 - 0017)


Evaluation for Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Advanced Gastric Cancer

藤井 康友, 畠 二郎, 二神 浩司, 寺面 和史, 濱田 敏秀, 小根森 元, 末永 健二

Yasutomo FUJII, Jiro HATA, Kouji FUTAGAMI, Kazushi TERAMEN, Toshihide HAMADA, Gen KONEMORI, Kenji SUENAGA


Department of Gastroenterology Miyoshi General Hospital

キーワード : Advanced gastric cancer , Ultrasonographic diagnosis

We studied the diagnostic usefulness of extracorporeal ultrasonography in advanced gastric cancer by comparing sonographic findings with gastroendoscopic or radiographic findings from 4632 patients, 61 of whom had advanced gastric cancer. Sonographic examinations were perfomed with no prior knowledge of patient status. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer was based on local or diffuse distribution of abnormal wall thickening, blurred wall stratification, loss of compressibility and peristalsis, and irregularity of lumen echo. As a result, sonographic screening of advanced gastric cancer had high sensitivity (85.2%), specificity (99.8%), and accuracy (99.8%). Because nearly all of the undetected tumors were at the cardia and corpus, anatomical factors may have interfered with tumor detection, which may also have been affected by amount of experience in US examination. No other factors that interfere with tumor detection were found to be significant. Ultrasonography, which is safe and non-invasive, was thus shown to be a potentially useful modality in the primary diagnosis of advanced gastric cancer.