Case Report(症例報告)
(0113 - 0118)
A Case of Left Atrial Ball Thrombus With Acute Myocardial Infarction and Atrial Fibrillation
加藤 まり子1, 宮沢 総介2, 成味 純2, 宮田 晴夫2, 鈴木 厚子2, 杉浦 徹2, 横井 奈穂子1, 田中 一江1, 福田 淳1
Mariko KATO1, Sosuke MIYAZAWA2, Jun NARUMI2, Haruo MIYATA2, Atsuko SUZUKI2, Toru SUGIURA2, Naoko YOKOI1, Kazue TANAKA1, Atsushi FUKUDA1
1聖隷三方原病院臨床検査部, 2聖隷三方原病院循環器科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Seirei Mikatabara General Hospital, 2Department of Cardiology, Seirei Mikatabara General Hospital
キーワード : Acute myocardial infarction , Atrial fibrillation , Echocardiography, Left atrial ball thrombus, Normal mitral valve
We report the case of an 82-year-old man with a left atrial ball thrombus. He was admitted because of nausea and vomiting. Electrocardiography showed atrial fibrillation and elevated ST segments in leads Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and aVF resulting from inferior wall myocardial infarction. Echocardiography showed a large ball thrombus in the left atrium, as well as akinetic motion of the inferior wall. The thrombus moved freely in the left atrium and strangulated into the mitral valve orifice in the end-diastolic phase. The thrombus was kept in the upper space of the left atrium by having the patient on his left side. The patient died from acute renal failure two months after admission. At autopsy, a reddish, smooth-surfaced ball thrombus was found in the left atrium. To our knowledge, cases with left atrial ball thrombus without mitral valve disease have rarely been reported.