Case Report(症例報告)
(0875 - 0881)
クローン病の1症例: 活動性指標としての超音波カラードプラ法の有用性
Usefulness of Color Doppler Ultrasonography for Assessing Disease Activity in Crohn's Disease: A Case Report
白浜 正文1, 田中 智子1, 2, 久木田 穣次1, 2, 下田 悠一郎 1, 2, 3, 石橋 大海2, 4
Masafumi SHIRAHAMA1, Tomoko TANAKA1, 2, Jouji KUKITA1, 2, Yuichiro SHIMODA1, 2, 3, Hiromi ISHIBASHI2, 4
1佐賀県立病院好生館内科, 2佐賀県立病院好生館小児科, 3佐賀県立病院好生館放射線科, 4九州大学医学部第1内科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Saga Prefectural Hospital, 2Department of pediatrics, Saga Prefectural Hospital, 3Department of Radiology, Saga Prefectural Hospital, 4First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kvushu University
キーワード : Color Doppler ultrasonography , Crohn's disease , Diagnosis, Disease activity
A 13-year-old boy was admitted with complaints of fever, epigastralgia, loss of appetite and loss of body weight of six-week duration. Initial laboratory examination showed inflammatory signs; gray-scale ultrasonography (US), marked thickening of the distal ileal wall; and color Doppler US scan, readily visible blood flow with arterial blood-flow signals in the diseased bowel wall. Subsequent barium study of the small bowel demonstrated edematous loop of the distal ileum with stenosis. Subjective symptoms, laboratory abnormalities and roentgenologic findings promptly improved after the start of treatment with intravenous hyperalimentation and oral prednisolone under a tentative diagnosis of Crohn's disease; abnormal gray-scale and color Doppler US appearances remained, however. The illness recurred after diminution of prednisolone and initiation of oral intake, and colonoscopy confirmed the final diagnosis of Crohn's disease. Gray-scale and Color Doppler US were useful in assessing disease activity in this case of Crohn's disease.