Case Report(症例報告)
(0883 - 0890)
全身性エリテマトーデスに合併した nodular transformation の1例
A Case of Nodular Transformation of the Liver Associated With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
山田 有則1, 斉藤 泰博1, 2, 片田 竜司1, 2, 峯田 昌之1, 2, 長沢 研一1, 2, 武内 周平1, 2, 高橋 康二1, 油野 民雄1
Tomonori YAMADA1, Yasuhiro SAITO1, 2, Ryuji KATADA1, 2, Masayuki MINETA1, 2, Kenichi NAGASAWA1, 2, Shuuhei TAKEUCHI1, 2, Koji TAKAHASHI1, Tamio ABURANO1
1旭川医科大学放射線科, 2旭川藤井病院
1Department of Radiology, Asahikawa Medical College, 2Asahikawa Fujii Hospital
キーワード : CTAP, Nodular transformation , Systemic lupus erythematosus , Ultrasonography
Liver nodules were examined by US, CT, MRI, and CT during arterial portography (CTAP), CT arteriography (CTA), and 99mTc-stannous colloid scintigraphy, and the imaging features of the nodules were as follows. The nodules increased radionuclide uptake on 99mTc-stannous colloid scintigraphy. On ultrasonography, three nodules at S3, S5, and S6 showed hyperechogenicity, although many were not identified. Power Doppler mode showed rich vascularity within the hyperechoic nodules, and FFT analysis showed continuous wave. CTAP and CTA showed that the blood supply to the nodules was mainly portal. Pathologic evaluation showed definite nodular transformation, and a dilated portal vein was found within the large nodules. These findings clearly appear to reflect the pathologic features of the nodules.