Original Article(原著)
(0937 - 0944)
Relationship Between Left Ventricular Mass, Peripheral Reflection Wave, and Flow Velocity Pattern in the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Assessed by Doppler Echocardiogram and Finger Photo-plethysmogram
鎌田 満喜, 高澤 謙二, 伊吹山 千晴
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical University
キーワード : Doppler echocardiogram, Left ventricular mass, Peripheral reflection wave
The seventy-five subjects enrolled in this study were divided into three groups by history of hypertension: group A, 25 subjects with a history of hypertension for less than 1 year; group B, 25 subjects with a history of hypertension from 1 to 5 years; and group C, 25 subjects with a history of hypertension for more than 5 years. Two-dimensional echocardiogram and finger photo-plethysmograms were recorded simultaneously after measurment of cuff blood pressure. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was calculated using the Devereux equation. Plethysmographic augmentation index (PTG-AI) was determined by the ratio of the height of the late systolic peak to that of the early systolic peak in the plethysmographic wave. Reflection index in the left ventricular outflow tract (ORI) was calculated by measuring area in the Doppler echocardiogram. All three indexes were greater in group C than in either group A or B (p