Case Report(症例報告)
(0073 - 0076)
Two Cases of Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia of the Greater Omentum Diagnosed by Preoperative Ultrasonography
木村 圭一1, 井戸 弘毅1, 利光 鏡太郎1, 足立 正純2, 鶴田 隆一2, 太田 和幸2, 大河 魔里子2, 加藤 忠春2, 玉利 麻美2, 堀田 美沙2
Keiichi KIMURA1, Kouki IDO1, Kyoutaro TOSHIMITSU1, Masazumi ADACHI2, Ryuichi TSURUTA2, Kazuyuki OTA2, Mariko OKAWA2, Tadaharu KATO2, Asami TAMARI2, Misa HOTTA2
1名古屋徳洲会総合病院外科, 2同生理検査超音波室
1Department of Surgey, Nagoya Tokushukai General Hospital, 2-28-1 Kozoji-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi-ken 487-0013, Japan, 2Department of Ultrasonic Laboratory, Nagoya Tokushukai General Hospital, 2-28-1 Kozoji-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi-ken 487-0013, Japan
キーワード :
A 55-year-old man came to this institution complaining of right inguinal pain that had lasted one day, April 28, 1992. Another patient, a 45-year-old man, complained of right inguinal pain lasting for 23 hours on May 11, 1998. Sonography showed a hyperechoic mass in the inguinal hernial sac of each patient, and no sign of abdominal intestinal obstruction. The patients underwent emergency surgery under a diagnosis of incarcerated hernia of the omentum, and the incarcerated omenta were resected. Preoperative diagnosis of hernial contents is important. We prefer to conduct preoperative sonographic examination of patients with incarcerated inguinal herniae.