基礎 マイクロバブル2
Development of novel transfection strategy of nucleic acids into mesenchymal stem cells by the combination of ultrasound and microbubbles
大谷 健太郎1, 山原 研一1, 大西 俊介1, 小幡 裕明1, 北村 惣一郎2, 永谷 憲歳1
Kentaro OTANI1, Kenichi YAMAHARA1, Shunsuke OHNISHI1, Hiroaki OBATA1, Soichiro KITAMURA2, Noritoshi NAGAYA1
1国立循環器病センター研究所 再生医療部, 2国立循環器病センター
1Department of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, 2Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Cardiovascular Center
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