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頚動脈 plaque 由来の血栓を疑った網膜中心動脈閉塞症の 1 例
A case of report central retinal embolism which suspected the thrombus of the carotid plaque
大徳 尚司1, 稲森 茂樹1, 田代 雄一2, 中野 哲郎3, 早川 裕4, 網屋 俊4, 恒成 博4
Satoshi DAITOKU1, Shigeki INAMORI1, Yuuichi TASHIRO2, Tetsurou NAKANO3, Hiroshi HAYAKAWA4, Syunn AMIYA4, Hiroshi TSUNENARI4
1鹿児島厚生連病院, 2鹿児島厚生連病院神経内科, 3鹿児島厚生連病院眼科, 4鹿児島厚生連病院循環器内科
1Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital, 2Neurology internal medicine, Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital, 3Ophthalmology, Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital, 4Cardiovascular internal medicine, Kagoshima, Kouseiren Hospital
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