脈管 血管・機能/新技術
The effect of the pneumatic foot compression on deep venous flow-dynamics in patients with heart failure-Comparison with different type of compression devices-
野瀬 善夫1, 村田 和也2, 和田 靖明1, 田中 健雄1, 國近 英樹1, 木原 千景1, 松﨑 益德1
Yoshi NOSE1, Kazuya MURATA2, Yasuaki WADA1, Takeo TANAKA1, Hideki KUNICHIKA1, Chikage KIHARA1, Masunori MATSUZAKI1
1山口大学 医学部 器官病態内科学, 2山口大学医学部附属病院検査部
1Department of medicine and clinical science, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, 2Division of Laboratory, Yamaguchi University Hospital
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