Original Article(原著)
(0003 - 0013)
Mモードから得られる壁厚変化, Excursion情報及び一回拍出量に現れる局所壁運動異常のサイン: 負荷時の心筋局所壁運動異常を表現するパラメーターの検討(2)
Sign of Wall Motion Abnormality Observed in Wall Thickness Change, Excursion, and Stroke Volume Obtained by M-Mode: The Parameter Revealing Wall Motion Abnormality in Stress Echocardiography (2)
大川井 宏明1, 仁田 桂子2, 高橋 和彦3, 片平 美明2, 薗部 太郎1, 藤田 雅史2, 中島 博行2, 許 立慶1, 仁田 新一1
Hiroaki OKAWAI1, Keiko NITTA2, Kazuhiko TAKAHASHI3, Yoshiaki KATAHIRA2, Tarou SONOBE1, Masashi FUJITA2, Hiroyuki NAKAJIMA2, Liqing XU1, Shin-ichi NITTA1
1東北大学加齢医学研究所病態計測制御研究分野, 2東北厚生年金病院循環器科, 3宮城県立瀬峰病院循環器科(現在:高橋ハートクリニック)
1Institute of Development, Aging, and Cancer, Tohoku University, 2Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Tohoku Kosei Nenkin Hospital, 3Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Miyagi Prefectural Semine Hospital
キーワード : Coronary artery disease, Excursion, Regional wall motion abnormalities, Stress echocardiography, Wall thickness
To improve the evaluation of regional wall motion abnormalities (WMA) during stress echocardiography, the parameters of the wall thickness change, excursion and stroke volume, with time-dependent changes in two regional portions of the interventricular septum and the posterior wall evaluated with M-mode ultrasonography are proposed. Response to the dipyridamole stress test was studied in two normal subjects and eight subjects with coronary disease. Regional wall motion and stroke volume were measured, and the results were compared with results obtained with coronary angiography, 2-D echography, and radioisotope scintigraphy. In normal subjects, these parameters showed only monotonous change with the passage of time. In patients with coronary artery disease, however, discrepancy in wall thickness and excursion between the interventricular septum and the posterior wall appeared within 1 to 3 minutes after the start of the test. Thus, despite the limitation of the examined area imposed by use of M-mode, the motion of the interventricular septum and the posterior wall described the detailed WMA and an ischemic state.