Original Article(原著)
(0219 - 0223)
Ultrasonic Study of Schwannoma of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region: Comparison of Ultrasonograms and Pathologic Findings
石井 純一, 長澤 宏和, 山城 正司, 和田森 匡, 八木原 一博, 石川 均, 宮倉 毅, 神谷 貴充, 小椋 一朗, 山根 正之, 岩城 博, 天笠 光雄
Junichi ISHII, Hirokazu NAGASAWA, Masashi YAMASHIRO, Tadashi WADAMORI, Kazuhiro YAGIHARA, Hitoshi ISHIKAWA, Takeshi MIYAKURA, Takamitsu KAMIYA, Ichirou OGURA, Masayuki YAMANE, Hiroshi IWAKI, Teruo AMAGASA
Maxillofacial Surgery Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Function Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
キーワード : Histology, Oral and maxillofacial region, Schwannoma, Ultrasound
Ultrasonographic study of a schwannoma of the oral and maxillofacial region have rarely been reported. Here we report ultrasonographic findings from the nine cases of schwannoma located in that region that we encountered between 1984 and 1995. The tumor was delineated as a low echoic mass with a sharply demarcated contour and posterior echo enhancement. Change in the internal echo followed pathologic degenerative changes: cystic change, bleeding, myxomatous change, and hyaline degeneration. The internal echo was in agreement with the description of Antoni type A tissue, showing hemorrhagic and hyaline degeneration in the tumor. The cystic pattern of the ultrasonogram corresponded to cystic change, and hypoechoic area of the ultrasonogram corresponded to Antoni type B tissue and myxomatous change. The internal echo pattern on the ultrasonogram of a schwannoma was found to reflect the pathologic structure of the tumor.