The Clinical application of Sonazoid-enhanced Ultrasonography to lung cancer
浜崎 直樹1, 今井 照彦1, 柴 五輪男1, 北村 友宏1, 空 昭洋2, 林田 幸治2, 吉田 和弘2, 鴻池 義純3, 平井 都始子4, 木村 弘5
Naoki HAMAZAKI1, Teruhiko IMAI1, Iwao SHIBA1, Tomohiro KITAMURA1, Akihiro SORA2, Kouji HAYASHIDA2, Kazuhiro YOSHIDA2, Yoshizumi KOUNOIKE3, Toshiko HIRAI4, Hiroshi KIMURA5
1済生会奈良病院内科, 2済生会奈良病院臨床検査部, 3平成記念病院内科, 4奈良県立医科大学中央内視鏡部,超音波部, 5奈良県立医科大学内科学第二講座
1The Department of Internal Medicine, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 2The Department of Clinical Laboratory, Saiseikai Nara Hospital, 3The Department of Internal Medicine, Heisei Memorial Hospital, 4The Department of Endscopy and Ultrasound, Nara Medical University, 5The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nara Medical University
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