Original Article(原著)
(1303 - 1310)
超音波ドプラ法, B-flow, US angiographyでとらえられた肝内肝動脈走行に関する新知見: 門脈に対する肝動脈の対する肝動脈の中枢側分岐性について
Proximal Bifurcation of Hepatic Artery: Novel Findings on Hepatic Arteries Demonstrated by Ultrasound Doppler Imaging, B-Flow, and US Angiography
杤尾 人司1, 岩崎 信広1, 中村 仁美1, 中山 圭子1, 曽我 登志子1, 西馬 信一2, 福永 豊和2, 岡部 純弘2, 樫田 博史2, 平佐 昌弘2, 伊吹 康良2, 藤本 敏明1, 森本 義人1, 工藤 正俊3, 冨田 周介4, 小西 豊5, 織野 彬雄1
Hitoshi TOCHIO1, Nobuhiro IWASAKI1, Hitomi NAKAMURA1, Keiko NAKAYAMA1, Toshiko SOGA1, Shinichi NISHIMURA2, Toyokazu FUKUNAGA2, Yoshihiro OKABE2, Hiroshi KASHIDA2, Masahiro HIRASA2, Yasuyoshi IBUKI2, Toshiaki FUJIMOTO1, Yoshito MORIMOTO1, Masatoshi KUDO3, Syusuke TOMITA4, Yutaka KONISHI5, Akio ORINO1
1神戸市立中央市民病院臨床検査技術部腹部超音波室, 2神戸市立中央市民病院消化器センター内科, 3近畿大学医学部消化器内科, 4冨田クリニック, 5神戸市立中央市民病院外科
1Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Kobe City General Hospital, 4-6 Nakamachi, Kobe Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0046, Japan, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Kobe City General Hospital, 4-6 Nakamachi, Kobe Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0046, Japan, 3Department of Gastroenterology, Kinki University School of Medicine, 377-2 Ohnohigashi, Osakasayama, Osaka 589-8511, Japan, 4Tomita Clinic, 1-12-10 Moriminami, Higashinada, Kobe 658-0011, Japan, 5Department of Surgery, Kobe City General Hospital, 4-6 Nakamachi, Kobe Minatojima, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0046, Japan
キーワード : Ultrasound, Doppler imaging, Hepatic artery, Portal vein, Bifurcation
Objective It has generally been held that each portal branch is always accompanied by a single arterial branch in the liver. During Doppler ultrasound examination, however, we sometimes encounter a portal branch that appears to be associated with two arterial branches, a phenomenon referred to below as this finding or this phenomenon. Here we attempt to confirm that this finding is based on a correct interpretation of the image and to disclose its basic mechanism.
Material and Methods Five cases of chronic liver disease in which this phenomenon appeared were analyzed with B-flow imaging. Videotapes obtained from 30 patients who had chronic liver disease and had undergone ultrasound angiography (USAG) with arterial infusion of CO2 micro bubbles were reviewed in order to look for similar findings. Sixty-nine healthy controls were also examined with Doppler sonography for this purpose. Histopathologic specimens from 7 patients who had
undergone hepatectomy (3 with hepatocellular carcinoma, 3 with metastatic tumor, and 1 with focal nodular hyperplasia) were examined to study the basic structure of the hepatic vessels.
Results and Discussion Three parallel color signals (two pulsatile and one of a constant waveform) observed on Doppler examination were confirmed by the B-flow method to be three independent vessels in all five cases in which both Doppler sonography and B-flow imaging were used. In 13 (43%) of the 30 cases of USAG, two vessels along a portal branch were visualized by the inflow of micro bubbles, indicating that the two vessels were arteries. The trio of one portal and two arterial branches was also detected with Doppler sonography in 12 (17%) of the 69 healthy controls. In 10 (59%) of the 17 cases (5 of liver disease and 12 normal) that showed this finding on Doppler examination, bifurcations of the hepatic artery and portal
vein were both visualized. Hepatic arterial branches were found to bifurcate slightly more proximal to the hepatic hilus than the accompanying portal branch. Histopathologic study revealed Glisson's areas that contained one portal branch and two arterial vessels in nontumorous parts of specimens from all 7 patients with hepatectomy.
Conclusion Two arterial branches can be demonstrated along a portal branch as a result of a more-proximal bifurcation of the hepatic artery than of the portal vein.