Original Article(原著)
(J025 - J033)
肝の超音波組織性状診断に関する研究 -ROI の分割化によるRF 信号の包絡振幅のヒストグラム解析法を用いた肝硬変の評価-
Clinical Application of a New Method that Segments the Region of Interest into Multiple Layers for RF Amplitude Histogram Analysis in the Cirrhotic Liver
藤井 康友1, 谷口 信行1, 王 怡1, 重田 浩一朗1, 尾本 きよか1, 伊東 紘一1, 曹 景文2, 隈崎 健二2, 伊藤 貴司2, 高山 智司2
Yasutomo FUJII1, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI1, Yi WANG1, Kouichiro SHIGETA1, Kiyota OMOTO1, Kouichi ITOH1, Jing-Wen TSAO2, Kenji KUMAZAKI2, Takashi ITOH2, Tomotsugu TAKAYAMA2
1自治医科大学臨床検査医学, 2アロカ(株)
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School, 2Aloka Co. Ltd
キーワード : Histogram, Liver cirrhosis, Radio-frequency signal, Tissue characterization, Ultrasound
We used texture analysis in conjunction with an alternative method of analyzing the amplitude histogram by using a radio-frequency (RF) signal to differentiate ultrasonograms from normal and cirrhotic livers. This method segments the region of interest (ROI) into multiple layers (sub-ROIs). In each sub-ROI of a homogenous medium, the histogram of envelopedamplitude of RF backscattered echoes resembles a Rayleigh distribution. Theoretically, the values of signal-noise ratio (SNR), skewness, and kurtosis for Rayleighstatistics are constant and independent of mean scattering intensity, whichis contributed by such undesirable effects as tissue attenuation, beam diffraction, and incident wave forms. Thus these values, which averaged overall sub-ROI, should provide an unbiased estimator. Thirty-six cases of normal liver and 28 cases of cirrhotic liver, all confirmed by clinical findings including laboratory and pathological data, were studied, and SNR, skewness, and kurtosis values of the disease groups were compared. At the same time, in the conventional method, which did not segment the ROI into multiple sub-ROIs, these values were estimated. The unpaired t-test was used to determine statistical significance. With the new method, all values obtained from cirrhotic livers differed significantly from those obtained from normal livers, and the standard deviation of these values was smaller than those obtained using the conventional method. These results thus suggest that the new method can be used to diagnose cirrhotic liver, objectively.