Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2001 - Vol.28

Vol.28 No.07

Case Report(症例報告)

(J999 - J1002)


An Ectopic Thyroid Nodule in Lateral Neck Detected by Ultrasonography

河口 政慎1, 中村 みちる1, 谷口 信行1, 川井 俊郎2, 伊東 紘一1

Masanori KAWAGUCHI1, Michiru NAKAMURA1, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI1, Toshirou KAWAI2, Kouichi ITOH1

1自治医科大学臨床検査医学, 2自治医科大学病理診断部

1Departments of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School, 2Departments of Pathology, Jichi Medical School

キーワード : fine needle aspiration cytology, thyroid, neck mass, ultrasonography

We found a hyperechoic extrathyroidal mass incidentally on the right side of the neck during ultrasound examination. Fine needle aspiration cytology revealed follicular structures with no malignant pathological findings. 123I scintigraphy confirmed our diagnosis of ectopic thyroid. The internal echo of the mass was exactly the same as that of the thyroid. Ectopic thyroid should be included in the differential diagnosis when a hyperechoic mass is found in the neck.