Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2003 - Vol.30

Vol.30 No.02

Original Article(原著)

(J191 - J197)

速度プロファイル法を用いた頚動脈血流量の検討 -食事摂取による変化-

The Measurement of Common Carotid Arterial Flow Volume After Taking Meal by Velocity Profile Method Using Color Doppler Signals

内田 章文, 重田 浩一朗, 谷口 信行, 尾本 きよか, 小野 倫子, 金 潤哲, 中村 みちる, 王 怡, 伊東 紘一

Akifumi UCHIDA, Kouichirou SHIGETA, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI, Kiyoka OMOTO, Tomoko ONO, Hiroaki KON, Michiru NAKAMURA, Yi WANG, Kouichi ITOH


Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School

キーワード : carotid artery, color Doppler ultrasonography, flowmetry, meal, velocity profile

我々は超音波カラードプラ法を用いた速度プロファイルによって食後の総頚動脈血流量の変化を検討した. 食前及び食後における総頚動脈の血流量, resistive index (以下RIと略す), 内頚動脈, 外頚動脈のRI, 腹腔動脈の最大流速, RIの測定及び眠気の聴取, 観察を行った. 総頚動脈血流量は30分後に食前と比較して16.5%減少し, 120分後には食前の状態に戻った. 眠気は30分後から60分後にかけて増加した. 総頚動脈血流量の減少は頚動脈の血管抵抗の上昇により起こっていることが考えられた. 眠気は総頚動脈の血流動態の推移と連動していた. 総頚動脈血流量の減少は眠気を引き起こす一因をなすと考えられるが, 両者の因果関係は明瞭ではなかった.

We used the velocity profile method with color Doppler imaging to estimate change in flow volume in the common carotid artery after a meal. Flow volume and resistive index of the common carotid artery, resistive index of the internal and external carotid arteries, maximum velocity and resistive index of the celiac artery, and sleepiness index were measured both before and after a meal. Total common carotid arterial flow volume had decreased 16.5 percent 30 minutes after the meal and returned to its initial volume 120 minutes after the meal; the sleepiness index increased 30 to 60 minutes after the meal. We assumed that increase in the resistance of the carotid artery accounted for the decrease in flow volume, and that the sleepiness index increased as a result. Although decrease in flow volume of the common carotid artery may cause sleepiness, no clear causal relationship between these two factors was found.