Case Report(症例報告)
(J221 - J225)
回盲弁Lipohyperplasiaの1例 -超音波所見を中心に-
A Case of Lipohyperplasia of the Ileocecal Valve: Preoperative Ultrasonic Findings
佐藤 敦彦1, 東 俊宏3, 岩堂 昭太4, 藤田 政雄2, 松浦 美穂子1, 川田 幹浩1, 小川 裕道1
Atsuhiko SATO1, Toshihiro HIGASHI3, Shota IWADO4, Masao FUJITA2, Mihoko MATSUURA1, Mikihiro KAWADA1, Hiromichi OGAWA1
1香川県済生会病院内科, 2香川県済生会病院検査科, 3岡山市立市民病院内科, 4西条中央病院内科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Kagawa-ken Saiseikai Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Kagawa-ken Saiseikai Hospital, 3Department of Internal Medicine, Okayama Citizens' Hospital, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Saijyo Chuo Hospital
キーワード : ileocecal valve syndrome, lipohyperplasia of the ileocecal valve, peridiverticular abscess, preoperative ultrasonography
我々は, 回盲部憩室穿孔症例の開腹手術前に体外式超音波検査を行い, 以下の如く極めて印象的な回盲弁lipohyperplasiaと穿孔部周囲膿瘍を同定し得た. すなわち, 回盲弁の粘膜下層は全周性に著明に肥厚し, 内部に斑状の低エコー域を伴った高エコー帯を呈した. 切除標本との比較の結果, この高エコー帯は回盲弁に不規則に沈着した脂肪組織に由来することを示唆している. 一方, 憩室穿孔部周囲膿瘍は上行結腸の腸間膜付着側に, 三角形の辺縁不整な低エコー領域として観察された. これまでに体外式超音波検査にて回盲弁lipohyperplasiaを同定し, その超音波所見と外科的切除標本との対比検討を行った報告はなく, 本邦第1例として呈示した.
We used preoperative ultrasonography to study a case of perforated diverticulosis of an ileocecal lesion, and identified lipohyperplasia of the ileocecal valve and a peridiverticular abscess characterized by its remarkable appearance in sonographic images. The circumference of the submucosal layer of the valve was markedly thickened and contained speckled hypoechoic areas within a highly hyperechoic zone. Comparison with the resected specimen suggested that the hyperechoic zone was derived from the irregularly deposited adipose tissues of the valve. On the other hand, the peridiverticular abscess contained a triangular hypoechoic area with an irregular margin at the site of mesenteric attachment of the ascending colon. We believe this to be the first case of lipohyperplasia of the ileocecal valve reported in Japan. We describe preoperative findings and compare them with those of the resected specimen.