Case Report(症例報告)
(J343 - J347)
A Case of Pulmonary Sequestration Evaluated by Ultrasound Examination: Usefulness in Diagnosis
鯉渕 晴美1, 中村 みちる1, 谷口 信行1, 小野 倫子1, 野崎 靖之2, 白石 裕比湖2, 桃井 真里子2, 伊東 紘一1
Harumi KOIBUCHI1, Michiru NAKAMURA1, Nobuyuki TANIGUCHI1, Tomoko ONO1, Yasuyuki NOZAKI2, Hirohiko SHIRAISHI2, Mariko MOMOI2, Kouichi ITOH1
1自治医科大学臨床検査医学教室, 2自治医科大学小児科学教室
1Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Jichi Medical School, 2Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical School
キーワード : ultrasound, pulmonary sequestration
症例は6歳, 女児. 主訴は発熱である. 胸部単純X線像で左下肺野に陰影を認め, 肺膿瘍が疑われた. しかし, その後の超音波検査にてその腫瘤は, 形はくさび形で内部エコーはechogenicであり, 腫瘤内部に拍動性の血流を認めたため, 肺分画症が疑われた. 抗生剤投与により解熱し, 炎症所見も陰性化した. 大動脈造影により, この胸腔内腫瘤を肺葉外肺分画症と診断した. 超音波検査が肺分画症の診断に有用であった.
A 6 year-old female patient with fever was hospitalized. Chest radiogram showed uniform opacity, probably an abscess, at the base of the left lung. Ultrasound images showed a wedge-shaped echogenic mass with an artery running into it. These findings suggested pulmonary sequestration. Intravenous administration of an antibiotic reduced the fever and the inflammatory reaction. Our diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration was confirmed by selective angiography. Ultrasound examination was useful in diagnosing this case of pulmonary sequestration.