Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2003 - Vol.30

Vol.30 No.03

Case Report(症例報告)

(J349 - J353)

Tension free vaginal tape (TVT)手術患者における排尿時経直腸的超音波断層法の試み

Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A Clinical Trial Evaluation of Women after the Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Procedure Using Transrectal Ultrasonography during Voiding

遠坂 顕, 安藤 正夫

Akira TOSAKA, Masao ANDO


Department of Urology, East Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital

キーワード : female, TVT, ultrasonography, incontinence, urodynamics

TVT手術後の下部尿路の尿流動態を見るために, 尿失禁に対してTVT手術を施行した3人の女性を排尿時経直腸的超音波断層法と水膀胱内圧測定, 骨盤底筋筋電図, 尿流測定, 直腸内圧測定の同時施行により評価した. 排尿時経直腸的超音波断層法によりTVTテープは蓄尿時には尿道中部背側にあり, 排尿時には膀胱頸部背側に移動することが明らかになった. 我々の観察はTVT手術後の排尿機構の理解に役立つものと思われた.

To assess the motion of the lower urinary tract during voiding after the tension-free vaginal tape procedure for urinary incontinence had been carried out, we used transrectal ultrasonography combined with water cystometry, electromyography of the muscles of the pelvic floor, uroflowmetry, and rectal pressure monitoring to examine three women who had undergone the procedure. Examination of each subject showed the tension-free vaginal tape in the posterior mid-urethral portion in the storage phase appearing to move into the neck of the bladder in the voiding phase. This observation helps to explain the voiding mechanism after the tension-free vaginal tape procedure has been carried out.