State of the Art(特集)
(J639 - J650)
Tissue Doppler Imaging
大木 崇, 大石 佳史, 石本 武男
Takashi OKI, Yoshifumi OISHI, Takeo ISHIMOTO
National Higashi Tokushima Hospital
キーワード : tissue Doppler imaging, systolic function, diastolic function, tissue characterization
パルス・ドプラ法の普及に伴い, 僧帽弁口及び肺静脈血流速波形を用いて肺静脈-左房-左室連関としての左心系の血行動態異常を非観血的に評価することが可能となってきた. しかしながら, これらの波形から得られる指標はloading condition, 特に前負荷に影響されることが判明している. 近年, 新しく開発された組織ドプラ法は, 左室の心筋特性を容易に知ることができる手段として臨床面で応用され始めている. 特に本法は, 1) 短軸及び長軸方向の情報が得られる, 2) 拡張早期指標は前負荷に影響されない, 3) 収縮早期指標は心筋の収縮性(contractility)を評価できる, 4) 左室の収縮期及び拡張期asynchronyを検出できる, 5) 心筋速度勾配(myocardial velocity gradient)は心臓全体の動きに影響されない, 6) 心不全の予後の推定に有用である, などの特徴を有する. 今後, 機器の改良などにより, 虚血性心疾患や心筋症における心筋組織性状の評価が可能となることを期待したい.
The widespread use of the pulsed Doppler echocardiography has facilitated the noninvasive evaluation of hemodynamic abnormalities of the left atrium and left ventricle (LV) based on transmitral and pulmonary venous flow velocity patterns. However, it has been shown that loading conditions, especially preload, influence the indices obtained from these velocity patterns. Recently, tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) has been applied to the clinical setting to assess LV myocardial function. In particular, this procedure has the following characteristics: 1) it can provide circumferential and longitudinal information for the LV myocardium; 2) the early diastolic LV myocardial parameters determined by TDI are not influenced by preload; 3) LV myocardial contractility can be evaluated from the early systolic parameters; 4) LV systolic and diastolic asynchrony can be detected; 5) myocardial velocity gradients obtained from color-coded TDI are not influenced by entire heart motion; and 6) TDI parameters are useful for establishing the prognosis of patients with LV heart failure. In the future, technologic improvements will facilitate tissue characterization in patients with myocardial disease or allow the detection of endocardial and/or epicardial involvement of the LV myocardium in patients with ischemic heart disease.