Experimental study for adjustment size of microbubbles aggregations under ultrasound emission
渡會 展之1, 江田 廉1, 重原 伸彦1, 桝田 晃司1, 宮本 義孝2, 千葉 敏雄3
Nobuyuki WATARAI1, Ren KODA1, Nobuhiko SHIGEHARA1, Kohji MASUDA1, Yoshitaka MIYAMOTO2, Toshio CHIBA3
1東京農工大学大学院生物システム応用科学府, 2国立長寿医療研究センター研究所口腔疾患研究部, 3国立成育医療センター研究所臨床研究開発部
1Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2Department of Oral Disease Research, Research Institute, National Center for geriatrics and Gerontology, 3Department of Clinical Research Development, National Research Institute for Child Health and Development
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