Ultrasound signal statistical analysis tool with FR-ratio: a new non-invasive method for the quantification of hepatic steatosis in an animal model
三上 有里子1, 2, 黒田 英克1, 及川 隆喜1, 小野寺 美緒1, 諏訪部 章2, 神山 直久3, 滝川 康裕1, 鈴木 一幸1
Yuriko MIKAMI1, 2, Hidekatsu KURODA1, Takayoshi OIKAWA1, Mio ONODERA1, Akira SUWABE2, Naohisa KAMIYAMA3, Yasuhiro TAKIKAWA1, Kazuyuki SUZUKI1
1岩手医科大学内科学講座 消化器・肝臓内科分野, 2岩手医科大学中央臨床検査部, 3東芝メディカルシステムズ超音波開発部
1Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine,, 2Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine,, 3Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Ultrasound Systems Division,
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