State of the Art(特集)
(305 - 311)
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography of Cavernous Hemangioma of the Liver
飯島 尋子1, 2, 森安 史典1, 鈴木 史朗1, 吉田 昌弘1, 肥塚 明日香3, 土谷 薫4, Wilson Stephanie R2
Hiroko IIJIMA1, 2, Fuminori MORIYASU1, Shiro SUZUKI1, Masahiro YOSHIDA1, Asuka KOEZUKA3, Kaoru TSUCHIYA4, Stephanie R WILSON2
1東京医科大学第4内科, 2トロント大学医学部トロント総合病院メディカルイメージング, 3兵庫医科大学超音波診断部, 4武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
1Fourth Department of Internal Medicine Tokyo Medical University, 2Medical Imaging, Tronto General Hospital University of Tronto, 3Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Medical Imaging Center, Hyogo College of Medicine, 4Division of Gastroenterology and Hpatology, Musashino Red-Cross Hospital
キーワード : contrast ultrasonography, liver hemangioma, Levovist
肝血管腫は, 他の肝腫瘍性疾患との鑑別を要するが, とくに慢性肝疾患に合併した場合, 肝細胞癌との鑑別が重要となる. 今回, Levovist®を使用した造影超音波において, 肝血管腫の染影のパターンをearly, late vascular phaseおよびdelayed phaseの各時相で検討した. Levovist®は, 2.5 gをボーラス静注した. 97例中72例(74%)の血管腫は, hypervascularであった. そのうちearly, late vascularのいずれかの時相で, 腫瘍の辺縁より徐々に腫瘍内に流入するfill-inパターンを示したのは, 72例中59例(81.9%)であった. Vascular phaseを観察した1分間で, 明らかな血流増強を示さなかったのは, 25/97(25.8%)であった. これらのhypo vascularな腫瘍をdelayed phaseまで観察すると, すべての時相を通じてhypo enhanceであったものは3/97(3.1%)であった. Vascular phaseでfill-in patternを示す症例は, 造影超音波検査で, 肝血管腫と診断できる.
Patterns in ultrasonographic images contrast-enhanced with Levovist® were evaluated for their usefulness in diagnosing liver hemangiomas. Subjects were 97 patients with hemangiomas confirmed by dynamic contrast-enhanced CT, dynamic contrastenhanced MRI, or both. Ultrasonographic images were obtained before intravenous bolus injection of 2.5 g of microbubble contrast agent (300 mg/mL) and in the early vascular, late vascular, and delayed phases. Seventy-two (74%) of 97 hemangiomas showed peripheral enhancement in the vascular phases, and 59 (82%) of 72 hemangiomas showed peripheral nodular enhancement with a progressive centripetal fill-in pattern. These results suggested that contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using Levovist® provides highly accurate information for diagnosing hemangioma.