State of the Art(特集)
(509 - 513)
胎児心機能評価におけるTei index
Use of the Tei Index to Evaluate Fetal Cardiac Function
市塚 清健, 松岡 隆, 大槻 克文, 下平 和久, 関沢 明彦, 岡井 崇
Kiyotake ICHIZUKA, Ryu MATSUOKA, Katsufumi OTSUKI, Kazuhisa SHIMODAIRA, Akihiko SEKIZAWA, Takashi OKAI
Showa University Hospital, Division of Maternal and Fetal Medicine
キーワード : Tei index, echocardiography, hydrops fetalis, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
胎児の心機能を評価する指標としては心胸郭断面積比(cardio-thorax area ratio; CTAR), 前負荷指数(preload index; PLI), 左室駆出分画(ejection fraction; EF), 左室内径短縮率(fractional shortening; %FS), 三尖弁閉鎖不全(tricuspid regurgitation; TR)の有無, などが用いられている. しかし, そのいずれも心筋機能の直接評価を行うものでなく, また, それらのみでは胎児期に優位な右室機能の評価は不十分である. Tei indexは両心室に応用可能な心収縮能と心拡張能を反映する心筋の総合的機能の評価が可能な指標として循環器領域で応用されおり, 胎児における応用も検討されている. 胎児におけるその正常値は諸報告から0.5以下とするのが実用的と思われる. 我々の検討から, Tei indexは胎児心機能異常と関連の深いTTTS受血児, 胎児水腫, IUGRにおいて高値を示すことが明らかとなった. このことは胎児心機能評価にTei indexが応用可能であることを示唆するとともに, 今後, Tei indexが新たな胎児心機能のパラメーターとなることを期待させる.
Cardiothoracic area ratio (CTAR), preload index (PLI), ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (%FS), and existence of tricuspid regurgitation are now used to evaluate fetal cardiac function. However, assessment of right ventricular function has proved more difficult and challenging than evaluation of left ventricular function, although fetal circulation is right ventricle dominant. The Tei index is an easily measured Doppler-derived measure of left or right ventricular myocardial function. It combines systolic and diastolic ventricular myocardial performance, has been used in circulatory medicine, and now appears appropriate in fetal medicine. Because Tei index is a useful predictor of global cardiac function and is independent of both heart rate and ventricular geometry, it may prove useful in evaluating fetal cardiac function. Previous reports indicate that the normal range the Tei index should be 0.5 or less. In this study, fetuses with recipient fetus in twin-twin transfusion syndrome, hydrops fetalis, and intrauterine growth retardation had high Tei indices associated with fetal right heart failure. These results suggest that the Tei index may prove useful in assessing fetal right ventricle function.