Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2005 - Vol.32

Vol.32 No.06

Original Article(原著)

(547 - 556)


Evaluation of Intratumoral Hemodynamics with Color Doppler Imaging in Patients with Colorectal Carcinoma: Comparison between Waveform Analysis and Histopathologic Characteristics

岩崎 信広1, 岡部 純弘2, 杤尾 人司1, 大下 幸江1, 中村 仁美1, 曽我 登志子1, 藤本 敏明1, 和田 将弥2, 織野 彬雄2

Nobuhiro IWASAKI1, Yoshihiro Okabe2, Hitoshi TOCHIO1, Yukie OHSHITA1, Hitomi NAKAMURA1, Toshiko SOGA1, Toshiaki FUJIMOTO1, Masaya WADA2, Akio ORINO2

1神戸市立中央市民病院臨床検査技術部, 2神戸市立中央市民病院消化器センター内科

1Division of Abdominal Ultrasound, Kobe City General Hospital, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Kobe City General Hospital

キーワード : colorectal carcinoma, color Doppler imaging, maximum velocity, resistance index

目的:大腸癌の腫瘍内で捉えられた血流について流速波形解析を行い, 病理組織学的所見と対比検討したので報告する. 対象と方法:対象はカラードプラ法にて腫瘍内の血流計測が可能であり, 病理組織学的に大腸癌と診断された82例. その内訳は高分化腺癌28例, 中分化腺癌40例, 低分化腺癌10例, 粘液癌4例である. 方法は腫瘍内に流入する動脈性血流について流速波形解析を行い, 最高血流速度(Vmax), resistance index (RI)を測定した. さらに, これらを病理組織学的所見, すなわち1.形態分類(型), 2.大きさ(cm), 3.壁深達度(m-si), 4.病期分類(0-Ⅳ), 5.病理組織学的分類の5項目について対比検討した. 使用機種はアロカSSD-5000, LOGIQ 700 MR, 探触子は5-7.5 MHzのものを使用した. 結果:形態分類についてはVmaxとRIの両者とも腫瘤型から浸潤型になるにつれ増加する傾向が認められた. 大きさについてはVmaxに有意な差は認められなかったが, 4 cm以上の腫瘍ではRI値は大きさに比例して高値となった. 壁深達度については, VmaxとRIのいずれも壁深達度に比例して高値となった. 病期分類についてはVmaxおよびRIとも壁深達度のみに規定されるⅢa期までは病期の進行と比例したが, Ⅲb期以降は明らかな傾向は捉えられなかった. 病理組織学的分類については, 粘液癌ではVmaxとRIの両者で他より著しい高値を示し, 分化度では低分化ほどRI値は高値となる傾向が認められた. 結語:腫瘍内の血流波形解析は病理組織学的所見との関連が認められ, 大腸癌の病態把握に有用な情報を付加できるものと考えられた.

Purpose. We studied the relation between intratumoral hemodynamics and histopathologic characteristics in patients with colorectal carcinoma. Methods. A series of 82 patients with 28 well-differentiated adenocarcinomas, 40 moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas, 10 poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas, and 4 mucinous adenocarcinomas underwent color Doppler examination and surgical treatment. The waveform of blood flow in the thickened wall of the colon was analyzed by determining the maximum velocity (Vmax) and resistance index (RI). These parameters were compared with histopathologic findings of the resected specimens: gross form, tumor size, depth of invasion, histologic stage, and histopathologic classification. Results. Both Vmax and RI were higher in the invasive tumors rather than the expansive ones. Vmax and tumor size were not correlated; however, the RI increased proportionately with tumor size in tumors larger than 4 cm in diameter. Both parameters increased with depth of invasion and histologic stage through stage IIIb. Both were markedly higher in mucinous adenocarcinomas than in the other histopathologic types. Furthermore, Vmax in well, moderately, and poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas did not differ significantly, although RI was negatively associated with the degree of differentiation. Conclusions. We concluded that blood-flow analysis is closely associated with histopathologic findings of colorectal carcinomas and that it provides information useful in the clinical management of these patients.