Review Article(総説)
(315 - 322)
Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of the Head and Neck Region
古川 政樹1, 古川 まどか2
1横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター医療情報部, 2神奈川県立がんセンター頭頸部外科
1Division of Medical Informatics, Yokohama City University Medical Center, 2Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Kanagawa Cancer center
キーワード : head and neck, otolaryngology, ultrasonography, neck tumor
頭頸部領域超音波検査の基本について述べる. 甲状腺や耳下腺など限定された一部の臓器だけでなく, 頸部全体が検査の 対象範囲で, さらにこれら領域の疾病は密接に関連していることが少なからずあるため, 頭頸部の検査を行う時は, 解剖 ならびに病態に関する十分な理解が求められると同時に, 疾患の全体像を見落としなく把握するよう努める姿勢が要求さ れる. 以下, 検査時の基本, 解剖学的特徴, 正常所見, 対象疾患と検査・診断の具体的な進め方などについて概説し, 頭 頸部領域において超音波検査の果たす役割の重要性について述べる.
We describe basic aspects of the ultrasonographic study of the head and neck region. Because such limited organs such as the thyroid and parotid gland, as well as the entire cervical region are included in the area of examination, and because diseases occurring in these regions are closely related in a substantial proportion of cases, examination of the head and neck region requires thorough understanding of the anatomy and pathology and thorough investigation of all aspects of the disease to avoid any oversights. We outline the basics of the examination, anatomical characteristics, normal findings, indicated diseases, and concrete procedures for the examination and diagnosis. The importance of ultrasonography for the head and neck region is also explained.