Review Article(総説)
(483 - 492)
Diagnosis of Bilio-Pancreatic Diseases using Three-Dimensional Transabdominal Ultrasonography
橋本 千樹1, 綮e押 芳樹2, 伊藤 彰浩3, 川嶋 啓揮3, 原 和生3, 金森 明3, 内田 博起3, 後藤 順3, 丹羽 康正3, 吉岡 健太郎1, 後藤 秀実3
Senju HASHIMOTO1, Yoshiki HIROOKA2, Akihiro ITOH3, Hiroki KAWASHIMA3, Kazuo HARA3, Akira KANAMORI3, Hiroki UCHIDA3, Jun GOTO3, Yasumasa NIWA3, Kentarou YOSHIOKA1, Hidemi GOTO3
1藤田保健衛生大学肝胆膵内科, 2名古屋大学光学医療診療部, 3名古屋大学大学院病態修復内科学
1Division of Liver and Biliary Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Fujita Health University, 2Department of Endoscopy, Nagoya University Hospital, 3Department of Gastroenterology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
キーワード : three-dimensional ultrasonography, virtual endoscopy, gallbladder volume measurement, bilio-pancreatic diseases
三次元体外式超音波(3DUS) の原理, 装置および胆膵領域における有用性について述べる. 3DUS を利用することで胆 嚢の容積を正確に測定でき, 胆嚢の正確な機能評価が可能である. またUS-virtual endoscopy 像を作成することにより, 二次元の超音波断層像より, 病変の立体的形態, 表面性状などが把握しやすくなり, 客観的で説得力のある画像が得られ る. 3DUS は将来, 胆膵領域における超音波診断能の向上に寄与するようになると期待する.
We describe the basics, devices and utility of three-dimensional transabdominal ultrasonography (3DUS). 3DUS volume measurements are accurate regardless of gallbladder configuration. 3DUS may be the most reliable method to estimate gallbladder motility. Virtual endoscopy imaging using 3DUS made it easier to understand three-dimensional shapes and surface conditions of the lesions, and it was more objective and stringent than conventional ultrasonography. We expect that 3DUS will contribute to the advance of ultrasonographic diagnoses of bilio-pancreatic diseases.