Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2006 - Vol.33

Vol.33 No.04

Case Report(症例報告)

(509 - 512)

心臓超音波検査にて発見し得たCA19-9 産生左室内腫瘤の1症例

A Case of CA19-9 Producing Tumor in the Left Ventricle Detected by Echocardiography

道倉 雅仁1, 有田 勝1, 長谷部 愛1, 守安 謙志1, 北出 和史1, 前田 匡1, 森 宏樹1, 脇 英彦2, 辻本 正彦1

Masahito MICHIKURA1, Masaru ARITA 1, Ai HASEBE 1, Kenji MORIYASU1, Kazusi KITADE 1, Tadasi MAEDA1, Hiroki MORI1, Hidehiko WAKI2, Masahiko TUJIMOTO1

1大阪警察病院臨床検査科, 2兵庫医科大学超音波画像センター

1Department of Laboratory Medicine, Osaka Police Hospital,, 2Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Ultrasound Imaging Center Hyogo College of Medicine

キーワード : CA19-9, echocardiography, left ventricle, tumor, keratin

症例は44 歳男性で, 心臓超音波検査を施行し左心室後壁に腫瘤を認め, 緊急摘出手術となった. 腫瘤のエコー性状は表 面が不整, 境界は不明瞭で, 高輝度な部分と低輝度な部分が混在する病変として描出された. 摘出した腫瘤内容物のヘマ トキシリン・エオジン染色では, フィブリン塊の中に多数の炎症細胞(好中球) の浸潤を認めた. 上皮性腫瘤の鑑別診断 に用いるケラチン染色では局在性に陽性であった. また血清CA19-9 の高値が腫瘤によるものかを鑑別診断するために免 疫染色を行った結果, 局在性に濃く陽性であった. 一方, グラム染色は陰性であり, 細菌培養にても同様の結果を得た. これらの結果より, この腫瘤は上皮性のCA19-9 を産生する病変と考えられた. 心臓超音波検査にて発見した稀な左心室 の腫瘤の1症例であった.

A CA19-9 producing tumor in the left ventricle is described. A mass was detected in the left ventricular (LV) posterior wall in a 44-year-old man by echocardiography. The serum CA19-9 was high. The echo image of the mass was characterized by irregular surface and unclear border. Its internal echo was mixture of high and low echo areas. Histological examination showed that the contents of the mass were included many inflammatory cells (neutrophils) within a lump of fibrin. Serum CA19-9 level decreased after surgical removal of the tumor. Immunohistochemistil staining for epithelial marker (keratin) revealed, that the epithelium locally existed, in the specimen. Also the immunohistochemisty for CA19-9 showed locally and strongly positive. The reaction to stain with Gram was negative. From these examinations, it was considered that the tumor produced CA19-9. This is a rare case that the tumor in the left ventricle detected by echocardiography produces CA19-9.