Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2012 - Vol.39

Vol.39 No.Supplement



Ring-down artifactとcomet-tail artifactに関する検討

The difference in B-mode and M-mode signal between ring-down artifact and comet-tail artifact

長沼 裕子1, 石田 秀明2, 長井 裕3, 大山 葉子4, 小川 眞広5, 伊藤 恵子6, 須田 亜衣子6, 花岡 明彦7, 上田 若奈7, 矢野 雅彦8

Hiroko NAGANUMA1, Hideaki ISHIDA2, Hiroshi NAGAI3, Yoko OHYAMA4, Masahiro OGAWA5, Keiko ITOU6, Aiko SUDA6, Akihiko HANAOKA7, Wakana UEDA7, Masahiko YANO8

1市立横手病院消化器科, 2秋田赤十字病院超音波センター, 3N.G.I.研究所, 4秋田組合総合病院臨床検査科, 5駿河台日本大学病院消化器肝臓内科, 6仙北組合総合病院臨床検査科, 7日立メディカルシステムス超音波担当, 8東芝メディカルシステムズ超音波担当

1Department of Gastroenterology, Yokote Municipal Hospital, 2Center of Diagnostic Ultrasound, Akita Red Cross Hospital, 3New Generation Imaging Laboratory, 4Department of Medical Laboratory, Akita Kumiai General Hospital, 5Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Nihon University Surugadai Hospital, 6Department of Medical Laboratory, Senboku Kumiai General Hospital, 7Ultrasound System Group, Hitachi Medical Systems, 8Ultrasound System Group, Toshiba Medical Systems

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