Case Report(症例報告)
(0673 - 0679)
肝生検後の胆道出血の1 例:自然消退への経過とカラーモザイク所見の推移について
A Case of Hemobilia Secondary to Percutaneous Liver Biopsy: The Clinical Course of Spontaneous Recovery and Changes of "Color Mosaic Appearance" on Color Doppler Sonogram
山本 修一1, 丸山 紀史2, 瀬座 文香2, 枡谷 佳生2, 露口 利夫2, 松谷 正一2, 税所 宏光2, 真々田 賢司1, 野村 文夫1, 杉浦 信之3
Shuuichi YAMAMOTO1, Hitoshi MARUYAMA2, Ayaka SEZA2, Yoshio MASUYA2, Toshio TUYUGUCHI2, Shoichi MASUTANI2, Hiromitsu SAISHO2, Kenji MAMADA1, Fumio NOMURA1, Nobuyuki SUGIURA3
1千葉大学医学部附属病院検査部, 2千葉大学大学院腫瘍内科学, 3国立病院機構千葉医療センター内科
1The Department of Clinical Labolatory, Chiba University Hospital, 2The Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, 3National Hospital Organization, Chiba Medical Center
キーワード : liver, biopsy, hemobilia, color Doppler method, aneurysm
胆道出血は, 経皮経肝的穿刺手技において注意すべき合併症の一つで, 仮性動脈瘤の関与が指摘されている. 我々は, 自然消退への経過を示した経皮的肝生検後の胆道出血例を経験した. 本例の臨床経過において, カラードプラを用い, 仮性動脈瘤に対応すると考えられたカラーモザイク所見の推移を観察したので報告する. 症例は63 歳, 女性, 自己免疫性肝硬変. 経皮的肝生検後に, 腹痛, 肝胆道系酵素の上昇と貧血の進行を認めた. カラードプラ法では, 肝右前区域にモザイク信号を呈する小瘤状部を認め, FFT 波形解析にて高度の乱流所見を示していた(カラーモザイク). 肝生検施行部との対応から, 穿刺手技後の肝仮性動脈瘤と, それに伴った胆道出血が強く疑われた. 緊急入院後, 内視鏡的逆行性胆道造影検査にて胆道出血が確認されたため, 経鼻的胆道ドレナージを留置した. 経動脈的塞栓術の適応を考慮しつつ保存的に経過を見ていたが, その後は胆道出血を認めなかった. 肝生検2 週後の超音波では, カラーモザイクは微弱化し, 乱流所見 は軽減していた. さらに, 9 日後の超音波では同所見は消失し, その後, 再発を見ていない. カラードプラ法におけるカラーモザイク所見は, 本症の診断, 経過観察に有用と考えられた.
A 63-year-old female was admitted to our hospital suffering from abdominal pain with anemia and liver dysfunction on hematological examination. She had undergone percutaneous liver biopsy eight days before because of suspected autoimmune hepatitis.Ultrasound examination on admission revealed dilatation of the common bile duct and color Doppler sonogram showed “color mosaic appearance” at the anterior segment, the site of the prior percutaneous biopsy in the right lobe of the liver. The waveform of the signal on pulsed Doppler sonogram showed a predominant turbulent flow, which was considered to correspond to pseudoaneurysm secondary to liver biopsy. Since endoscopy examination showed bleeding at the orifice of the papilla vater, she was diagnosed with hemobilia secondary to liver biopsy, and biliary drainage was performed. Following this, without having to resort to transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE), she showed no bleeding, and both the clinical symptom and laboratory data improved. The “color mosaic appearance” disappeared following a decrease in size, as did the turbulent flow, and she was released. A “color mosaic appearance” on color Doppler sonogram may be an important sign for the early diagnosis of intrahepatic pseudoaneurysm, and its reduction or disappearance may be predictive for recovery from the condition without TAE or other intensive treatment.