Original Article(原著)
(0579 - 0586)
Evaluation of visually estimated ejection fraction: comparison with biplane two- and three-dimensional echocardiography and helical computed tomography
犬塚 斉1, 岩瀬 正嗣2, 安野 泰史3, 中野 由紀子1, 加藤 美穂1, 杉本 邦彦1, 梶原 克祐1, 山田 晶4, 松山 裕宇4, 菱田 仁4
Hitoshi INUDUKA1, Masatsugu IWASE2, Yasufumi ANNO3, Yukiko NAKANO1, Miho KATO1, Kunihiko SUGIMOTO1, Katsusuke KAZIWARA1, Akira YAMADA4, Hitoshi HISHIDA4, Hitoshi HISHIDA4
1藤田保健衛生大学病院臨床検査部, 2藤田保健衛生大学短期大学医療情報技術学科, 3藤田保健衛生大学衛生学部診療放射線技術学科, 4藤田保健衛生大学医学部循環器内科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Fujita Health University Hospital, 2Department of Medical Information Technology in Junior College, Fujita Health University, 3School of Health Sciences Faculty of Radiological Technology, Fujita Health University, 4Department of Cardiology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
キーワード : visually estimated ejection fraction, three-dimensional echocardiography, helical computed tomography, biplane Simpson method
三次元心エコー図法(3DE)との比較による肉眼的左室駆出率(EF)の有用性について検討した.洞調律の97例(平均62.9±13.9歳)を対象とし,肉眼的EF,biplane Simpson法のEF(bp-EF),3DE法のEF(3DE-EF)を計測した。また,そのうち21例でhelical CTによるEFの計測を行った(HCT-EF).HCT-EFと3DE-EFはきわめて良好な正相関が認められた(r=0.92,95% CI=7.7±14.9%).左室壁運動異常のある症例では3DE-EFを基準にした場合、肉眼的EFはbp-EFより良好であった(r=0.88,95% CI=-2.0±13.5% vs.r=0.83,95% CI=0.1±14.2%).以上の結果から,特に壁運動異常を認めた症例については二次元的な評価法(biplane Simpson法)よりも三次元的な評価法(3DE,肉眼的EF)がより適切であると考えられた.現時点ではルーチン検査として3DE法を用いるのは実際的ではなく,肉眼的EFは機器の特別な操作をすることなく簡便且つ迅速に行える三次元的な方法であり有用性が高い.しかしながら,肉眼的EFの評価にはある程度の経験を有し,注意して用いる必要がある.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate visually estimated ejection fraction (EF) by comparing it with EF measured by three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE-EF) . Ninety-seven patients with sinus rhythm (aged 62.9±13.9 years) were studied, including 21 patients whose EF was evaluated by helical computed tomography (HCT-EF) . 3DE-EF was significantly correlated with HCT-EF (r=0.92, 95% CI=7.7±14.9%) . In comparison with 3DE-EF as the gold standard, visual EF had a better correlation (r=0.88, 95% CI=−2.0±13.5%) than bp-EF (r=0.83, 95% CI=0.1±14.2%) in subjects with left ventricular (LV) asynergy. These findings suggest that 3DE-EF or visual EF would be more appropriate than bp-EF in evaluating EF in patients with LV asynergy. Visual EF would be more practical because of its facility. However, visual EF requires a technician with a certain degree of experience.