Original Article(原著)
(0415 - 0427)
The development of ontology for abdominal ultrasonography
横井 英人1, 福田 浩之2, 露口 利夫3, 松谷 正一4, 税所 宏光5
Hideto YOKOI1, Hiroyuki FUKUDA2, Toshio TSUYUGUCHI3, Shoichi MATSUTANI4, Hiromitsu SAISHO5
1香川大学医学部附属病院 医療情報部, 2国保成東病院 内科, 3千葉大学大学院医学研究院腫瘍内科学, 4千葉県立衛生短期大学 第一看護学科, 5化学療法研究会化研病院
1Kagawa University Hospital, Department of medical informatics, 2Naruto General Hospital, Department of internal medicine, 3Chiba University Hospital, Department of Medicine and Clinical Oncology, 4Chiba College of Health Science, Department of Nursing, 5Kaken Hospital, Clinical Research Center, International University of Health and Welfare
キーワード : terminology, ontology, reporting system, standardization, ultrasonography
Widespread use of electronic medical records facilitates use of such secondary medical data as etiology and clinical trials. For secondary use, record categories and terminology must be standardized. We investigated textbooks being used in Japan to compile terms related to abdominal ultrasonography as well as terminology related to ultrasonography. Terminology assumes a hierarchical structure and resembles an ontology of concept-based relationships between terms and findings. Terminology also includes relationships between synonyms. In editing the terminology, we developed some tools that aid in the process of editing the terminology. The terminology browser, a branching browsing tool for hierarchical terminology, makes it easier to manage the terminology and can export Classification Markup Language (ClaML) files for standardized communication of terminology between information systems.