Case Report(症例報告)
(0443 - 0449)
Two cases of unstable angina with proximal coronary artery stenosis diagnosed by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography
杉山 祐公1, 鈴木 理代1, 平野 圭一1, 中村 啓二郎1, 高橋 真生1, 清水 一寛1, 野池 博文1, 田端 強志2, 東丸 貴信1, 2
Yuko SUGIYAMA1, Masayo SUZUKI1, Keiichi HIRANO1, Keijirou NAKAMURA1, Mao TAKAHASHI1, Kazuhiro SHIMIZU1, Hirofumi NOIKE1, Tsuyoshi TABATA2, Takanobu TOMARU1, 2
1東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院 循環器センター, 2東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院 生理機能検査部
1Department of Cardiovascular Center, Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Physiology, Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital
キーワード : coronary artery stenosis, transthoracic Doppler echocardiography, unstable angina
経胸壁ドプラ心エコー法による冠動脈の描出が可能となり,冠血流速波形の解析から冠循環の評価が行われるようになってきた.冠動脈遠位部は検出率が高く,その血流評価に対する多数の報告がなされているのに対して,冠動脈近位部を評価した報告は少ない.今回我々は,経胸壁ドプラ心エコー法により,冠動脈近位部狭窄の診断が可能であった不安定狭心症の2症例を経験したので報告する.症例1:79歳,男性.胸痛を主訴に入院.発作時の心電図では II ,III,aVF,V3‐6のST低下を認めた.経胸壁心エコー検査では,左室壁運動が心尖部で若干低下していたが左室駆出率は正常であった.大動脈弁レベルの短軸像で冠動脈近位部を直接描出したところ,左前下行枝近位部に加速血流を認め拡張期最高血流速度は104cm/秒と高速であった.冠動脈造影の結果,分節6に99%狭窄を認め,経胸壁心エコー検査で認められた狭窄部と一致していた.狭窄部にステントを留置し良好な拡張に成功した.術後の経胸壁心エコー検査では,冠動脈内の加速血流は消失し拡張期最高血流速度は40cm/秒と正常化した.症例2:59歳,男性.胸痛を主訴に入院.発作時の心電図で II ,III,aVFの陰性T波を認めた.経胸壁心エコー検査では,左室壁運動異常は認めなかった.大動脈弁レベルの短軸像で冠動脈近位部を直接描出したところ,右冠動脈近位部に加速血流を認め拡張期最高血流速度は108cm/秒と高速血流であった.冠動脈造影の結果,分節1に99%狭窄を認め,経胸壁心エコー検査で認められた狭窄部と一致していた.狭窄部にステントを留置し良好な拡張に成功した.術後の経胸壁心エコー検査では,冠動脈内の加速血流は消失し拡張期最高血流速度は26cm/秒と正常化した.非ST上昇型の不安定狭心症において,経胸壁ドプラ心エコー法により冠動脈近位部の狭窄病変を直接描出することが可能であった.本法は,冠動脈近位部狭窄の有無を心臓カテーテル検査前に予測する上で有用な検査法と考えられた.
We used transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) to describe the coronary artery and evaluate coronary circulation by analyzing coronary flow pattern. While many studies report on use of transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in evaluating the distal coronary artery, few evaluate the proximal coronary artery. We describe use of transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in two cases of unstable angina diagnosed in the stenotic region in the proximal coronary artery. Case 1: This case occurred in a 79-year-old man admitted after complaining of chest pain. The electrocardiogram obtained at time of admission showed ST depression in leads II , III, aVF, and V3-6. The echocardiogram demonstrated hypokinesis at the apex of left ventricular (LV) wall. Coronary Doppler echocardiography showed acceleration flow at the proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD), and diastolic peak velocity at this portion was 104 cm/s. Coronary angiography showed 99% stenosis at LAD#6, the portion of the stenotic region studied using transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Stent implantation was carried out, and dilatation was successful. No acceleration flow was seen after stenting, and peak diastolic velocity was reduced at 40 cm/s. Case 2: This case occurred in a 59-year-old man who was also hospitalized after complaining of chest pain. The electrocardiogram acquired at time of admission showed negative T wave in leads II , III, and aVF. There was no wall motion abnormality, but acceleration flow was observed in the proximal right coronary artery (RCA), and peak diastolic velocity in this portion was 108 cm/s. Coronary angiography showed 99% stenosis at RCA#1, the portion of the stenotic region studied with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Stent implantation was carried out and dilatation was successful. No acceleration flow was seen, and peak diastolic velocity was normalized at 26 cm/s. Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography revealed proximal coronary stenosis directly. Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography was useful in predicting proximal coronary stenosis non-invasively before obtaining a coronary angiogram in patients with unstable angina without ST elevation.