消化器:肝臓ASQ法(Acoustic Structure Quantification)
The trial of fatty liver quantification using ASQ method
野崎 加代子1, 玉井 努4, 内田 千尋1, 豊倉 恵理子2, 最勝寺 晶子5, 櫻井 一宏2, 堀 剛2, 熊谷 輝雄3, 坪内 博仁4
Kayoko NOZAKI1, Tsutomu TAMAI4, Chihiro UCHIDA1, Eriko TOYOKURA2, Akiko SAISYOUJI5, Kazuhiro SAKURAI2, Takeshi HORI2, Teruo KUMAGAE3, Hirohito TSUBOUCHI4
1鹿児島逓信病院検査科, 2鹿児島逓信病院肝臓内科, 3鹿児島逓信病院外科, 4鹿児島大学大学院消化器疾患・生活習慣病学, 5済生会川内病院内科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Kagoshima Teishin Hospital, 2Department of hepatology, Kagoshima Teishin Hospital, 3Department of surgery, Kagoshima Teishin Hospital, 4Digestive Disease and Life-style Related Disease, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 5Department of internal Medicine, Saiseikai Sendai Hospital
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